Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day Two: Procrastination

Okay, I'm actually posting this on day three, but I had a late meeting for the Rod & Gun Club and went to sleep (or tried to) instead of posting.

Obligatory Boring Stuff:

Current Weight: 207.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 1.6
Pounds til goal: 67.8

Percent Body Fat: 42.8
BMI: 33.4

Made it to the gym. Used the "fat burn" option on the treadmill at level one for 25 minutes. I felt like I could do more, but didn't feel up to the elliptical, so I used the bike for 22 minutes.

Breakfast was a blueberry scone I had made the night before and some tea. Lunch was a delicious butternut squash soup I made using my Cooking Light cookbook with some french bread and Swiss cheese. For dinner I was forced to eat steak, a tortilla, and salad that is served at our monthly Rod & Gun Club meeting. Ok, so I wasn't forced, but I did catch myself wishing I could have made something at home. With dinner I had a 7 Up, then after I came home, I had The Monster's leftover pudding from the other night. I went over by 60 calories today. All in all, it was a busy day, but I feel I did well.

I learned that the selection process Cadet position I wrote about yesterday will be quick. The written test will be February 17th, and the physical test will be the 28th. So I have three and a half weeks to train. Thankfully, I have someone on the inside that can find out exactly what is expected for the physical. Just to clarify, when I say "someone on the inside, I mean that he works for the city and knows who to ask for information that is  public knowledge. I do not want you guys thinking I'm trying to cheat!

Tomorrow starts the real training!

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