Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day Six: WHAT?!!!!!! How could you lose to Green Bay?!

Yes, I'm a Steeler's fan. My life is officially over. But diet-wise:

Current Weight: 204.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 4.8
Pounds til goal: 64.6

Percent Body Fat: 42.4
BMI: 32.9

I had a decent day today, except for the damn game. Went to the gym about 11:00 this morning. Did half an hour on the elliptical at Level Two: "I will eat your face." Then spent 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running.

Breakfast was a sticky roll that I made last night out of the Cooking Light book. I didn't think I could force myself to eat another scone. Lunch was leftover Shrimp Caesar Salad. Dinner was steak with a mushroom sauce (from the Cooking Light book) with a baked potato with sour cream and cheese. Dessert was cookies and cream pudding made into a pie shape. I stayed under my calories by 236. YAY!

Now for the fun part: getting The Monster to bed. I have fallen asleep before her for the past three nights. I am super tired and ready to sleep! On a side note, all this diet and exercise has seemed to fix my sleeping problem. No more laying in bed awake until 2 am for me!

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