Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day Sixteen: Frustration

Current Weight: 203.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 45.8
Pounds til goal: 63.6

Percent Body Fat: 41.4
BMI: 32.7

Took The Monster to the open gym at our local gymnastics place this morning, so I went to the gym after lunch. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level Three: You are my b*tch, and  35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running.

Breakfast was some oatmeal and a banana. Lunch was leftover butternut squash soup with some cheesy bread. Dinner was roasted tilapia with orange-parsley salsa and rice. I had a board meeting for the Rod & Gun Club where I snacked on 1 buffalo wing, a breadstick, and had a sierra mist. I stayed under my calories by 411.

I have made a very difficult decision today. After talking with my insider, and doing a lot of thinking, I have decided to withdraw my application for the cadet position temporarily. They will be testing again in three months, and in that three months I can focus on getting stronger and more ready for the fitness exam. If I didn't withdraw, I would only have a week and a half left to get my behind over the wall at least 75% of the time. Considering that I'm at 20% right now, including cheating (I discovered a weak board on my practice wall), it's not looking good.

If I went ahead and took the tests and did the fitness exam, but failed it, I would have to wait six months before I could apply again. I feel that this is a happy medium.

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