Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day Seventeen: A wee bit dissappointing

Current Weight: 201.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 7.6
Pounds til goal: 61.8

Percent Body Fat: 41.4
BMI: 32.4

I had trouble sleeping last night, so I didn't go to the gym this morning. Instead, I went this evening. I did about 30 minutes of strength training and 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running.

Breakfast was oatmeal and a banana. Lunch was a Grilled Chicken and Tapenade Sandwich (Cooking Light), and dinner was miso soup and a ton of sushi! I stayed under my calories by 182.

I withdrew my application for the City PD today. I was so nervous. I still am a little bit, but I'm glad to have more time to train. I tweaked my ankle yesterday at the gym, and just aggravated it today, so I need to lay off for a while. I have a gun show this weekend, so that should be enough to let my body recoup.

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