Monday, February 28, 2011

Day Twenty-Eight: Back in the saddle again!

Current Weight: 202.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 6.6
Pounds til goal: 62.8

Percent Body Fat: 41.5
BMI: 32.5

So, I didn't do too bad for not counting calories for ten days or so. I'm actually kind of proud of myself that I only gained a pound!

At the gym, I spent 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level Three, 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running, and because I wanted to do more, I spent 22 minutes on the stationary bike. I'm finding that running is getting easier. I don't know if it's because I've been taking some vitamins for my joints, or because I'm that awesome.

Breakfast was 2 egg whites, some oatmeal, bread with marmalade, and a cup of milk. Lunch was a turkey, ham, and cheese sandwich from Subway with Baked Lays. Dinner was Cilantro-lime chicken with avocado salsa and saffron rice (cooking light). I stayed under my calories by 549.


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Days Eighteen through Twenty-Seven: A Blur

So, I got lazy, I know. In this time frame I had 2 gun shows, a couple trips to Phoenix, and God only know what else. I don't even remember.

Yep, I fell off the wagon again. But I'll live. I'm starting again tomorrow, and I'll keep trying until I get it right!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Day Seventeen: A wee bit dissappointing

Current Weight: 201.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 7.6
Pounds til goal: 61.8

Percent Body Fat: 41.4
BMI: 32.4

I had trouble sleeping last night, so I didn't go to the gym this morning. Instead, I went this evening. I did about 30 minutes of strength training and 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running.

Breakfast was oatmeal and a banana. Lunch was a Grilled Chicken and Tapenade Sandwich (Cooking Light), and dinner was miso soup and a ton of sushi! I stayed under my calories by 182.

I withdrew my application for the City PD today. I was so nervous. I still am a little bit, but I'm glad to have more time to train. I tweaked my ankle yesterday at the gym, and just aggravated it today, so I need to lay off for a while. I have a gun show this weekend, so that should be enough to let my body recoup.

Day Sixteen: Frustration

Current Weight: 203.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 45.8
Pounds til goal: 63.6

Percent Body Fat: 41.4
BMI: 32.7

Took The Monster to the open gym at our local gymnastics place this morning, so I went to the gym after lunch. I did 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level Three: You are my b*tch, and  35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running.

Breakfast was some oatmeal and a banana. Lunch was leftover butternut squash soup with some cheesy bread. Dinner was roasted tilapia with orange-parsley salsa and rice. I had a board meeting for the Rod & Gun Club where I snacked on 1 buffalo wing, a breadstick, and had a sierra mist. I stayed under my calories by 411.

I have made a very difficult decision today. After talking with my insider, and doing a lot of thinking, I have decided to withdraw my application for the cadet position temporarily. They will be testing again in three months, and in that three months I can focus on getting stronger and more ready for the fitness exam. If I didn't withdraw, I would only have a week and a half left to get my behind over the wall at least 75% of the time. Considering that I'm at 20% right now, including cheating (I discovered a weak board on my practice wall), it's not looking good.

If I went ahead and took the tests and did the fitness exam, but failed it, I would have to wait six months before I could apply again. I feel that this is a happy medium.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Day Fifteen: What's my weight again?

You'll notice I didn't post a Day Fourteen. It sucked that bad. Lets just say that even after I went to the gym, I was over my calories by over 1,000.

So, let's just pretend it didn't happen.

Current Weight: 205.2 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 4.2
Pounds til goal: 65.2

Percent Body Fat: 41.9
BMI: 33.0

I didn't make it to the gym today, but I did attempt the wall again. I tried twenty times, and made it over four times. Not great, but better than last time. I also walked a mile at our local park while The Monster slept in the stroller.

Breakfast was carrot cake pancakes with honey. Lunch was butternut squash soup with cheesy toast. Dinner was almond stuffed chicken with couscous and mixed veggies. After dinner I made some cookies and cream pudding and ate a cup of it. I went over my calories by eight. I didn't log the wall climbing, I really didn't know how, so I probably didn't even go over.

Thursday is my written test for the department. I'm a little nervous, but I know I'll do well. I've got a week and a half to master this wall climbing before the fitness exam. I really need to kick butt!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day Thirteen: I think I got on the wrong wagon again!

Current Weight: 203.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 5.8
Pounds til goal: 63.6

Percent Body Fat: 41.8
BMI: 32.7

Didn't make it to the wall or the gym today. Spent today cleaning to get ready for our D&D night which turned into a Magic: The Gathering night. Yeah, I'm a nerd.

Breakfast was carrot cake pancakes with honey and an orange. Lunch was a chicken, carrot and cucumber salad with pita wedges (out of Cooking Light). Dinner was Almond stuffed chicken (also out of Cooking Light) with couscous and steamed broccoli. While playing, I snacked on some popcorn. Then it was suggested that we get some dairy queen, so I had a small butterfinger blizzard. I ended up going over my calories by 429.

I've been a bad girl, but I promise to get back on the wagon tomorrow!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Day Twelve: Mmmmm, Ice Cream

Broke down and went out to dinner with Strange Little Man and Monster today. I figured I had worked hard and I deserved a treat.

Current Weight: 204.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 4.8
Pounds til goal: 64.6

Percent Body Fat: 41.4
BMI: 32.6

I did the gym this evening after my binge to make up for it. I spent 55 minutes on the treadmill, 30 minutes on the elliptical, and 30 minutes on the stationary bike.

Breakfast was carrot cake pancakes with honey and half a banana. Lunch was leftover shrimp ceasar salad with french bread. Dinner was spinach artichoke dip and Asiago steak from Applebees. Afterward, we went to Cold Stone where Monster and I shared a birthday cake remix (like it size, of course). Thanks to all of my exercise, I stayed under my calories by 231.

I didn't make it out to try the wall again. It was probably a good thing, as I am sore in weird places. My ribs hurt, and my right heel hurts at odd times. This is on top of the regular aches and pains of working out. I didn't do my strength training today because I didn't want to injure myself.

Now, I am exhausted. Time to get some sleep!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Day Eleven: Ooooooouuuuuuch!

Current Weight: 205.0 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 4.4
Pounds til goal: 65.0

Percent Body Fat: 41.3
BMI: 32.9

I am sore from head to toe. I also didn't make it to the gym today. Not because of being sore, but because of the sheer amount of stuff I had to do today. But I did put on some music and dance around like an idiot while steam cleaning my carpets for a couple of hours... That counts as exercise, right?

Breakfast was carrot cake pancakes (from Cooking Light), lunch was shrimp Caesar salad, dinner was spicy honey chicken and roasted potato and bell pepper wedges. I stayed under my calories by 83.

I've noticed that the day after strength training, my weight goes up a bit. I'm going to guess that it's because my muscles are retaining water and whatever. Hopefully it doesn't happen too much. Tomorrow I plan on doing my regular workout plus an extra round of cardio to make up for today. I would also like to go out and practice on the wall a few times. We'll have to see how tomorrow goes.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Current Weight: 203.4 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 6.0
Pounds til goal: 63.4

Percent Body Fat: 41.0
BMI: 32.6

Went to the gym this afternoon because I had trouble sleeping last night (AGAIN). I'm sure it's just the stress of my wallet. Anyway, I did a total of 40 minutes on the elliptical at level two. I should probably bump it up to level three so I feel like I'm really working out. I also did about 20 minutes on the basic eight. I skipped the treadmill today because I just didn't feel like running. I hope to have the energy tomorrow. On top of the gym, my friend took me out to use the college's practice wall to try to climb. I tried about 20 times and only made it over once. I really need to work harder.

Breakfast was a sticky roll and an orange. Lunch was grilled sandwiches like yesterday. I had a snack of popcorn this afternoon, and dinner was a leftover tilapia sandwich and some progresso soup. Afterward, I had some banana pudding and red hots.I stayed under my calories by 276.

I heard from the city today! They invited me to take the written test next Thursday! All I have to do is pass that, then I'm on to the fitness exam! I just hope I can get over the damn wall.

Day nine: Eh, Whatever.

Current Weight: 204.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 4.6
Pounds til goal: 64.8

Percent Body Fat: 41.9
BMI: 32.9

Went to the gym this afternoon. Had trouble sleeping last night, so I decided to sleep in a bit. Spent 30 minutes on the elliptical at level two. then spent 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running.

Breakfast was a sticky roll and an apple that I split with the Monster. Lunch was a "Grown Up Grilled Cheese Sandwich" (from Cooking Light) and a salad. Dinner was leftover mac and cheese. I stayed under my calories by 599.

Today has been a sucky day. I either lost my wallet, or it was stolen while I was at the gym. This evening has been spent canceling cards and activating fraud alerts. Still haven't heard from the city. I am keeping my fingers crossed and continuing to train.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day Eight: Short and to the point.

Current Weight: 203.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 5.6
Pounds til goal: 63.8

Percent Body Fat: 41.6
BMI: 32.7

It has been one week since I started this. Over five and a half pounds down! I can already feel a difference in my clothes, and even Strange Little Man has noticed a difference.

Gym this morning was 10 minutes on the elliptical as a warm up, about 25 minutes on the basic eight, and 30 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running. I noticed that running was much easier today.

Breakfast was a sticky roll, lunch was a tilapia sandwich, and dinner was chicken mac and cheese. I had banana pudding and red hots as dessert. I managed to stay under my calories by 109.

No word from the city yet, although the position only closed yesterday. Hopefully I'll hear by the end of the week!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day Seven: Gymming

I was a busy girl today. Between cooking, cleaning, gymming, taking Monster to the park, and visiting people, well, I did nothing. Oh, wait! Yes, I did! *ahem* As you can see, I added two new gadgets to the right hand side of my blog. so you will be able to see right away when I lose weight! :-P

Current Weight: 204.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 4.6
Pounds til goal: 64.8

Percent Body Fat: 42.4
BMI: 32.9

I'm a little upset that I gained, even though it was just .2 pounds. I guess I'll live.

 Gym this morning was 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between running and walking, followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical at level two. I'm still struggling to finish the third of a mile, but I'm making it!

Breakfast was a sticky roll, so yummy (Shit, I sound like Rachel Ray.... Where's my EVOO?)! Lunch was a tilapia sandwich with lime butter. Dinner was some fajitas with tortillas and sour cream. All of these are out of the Cooking Light cookbook. For desert, I had some banana pudding with some red hots. Don't judge me- the pudding was too plain on its own! Today I managed to stay under my calories by 420.

I'm super tired. It's so nice to actually feel like going to bed at a decent hour after not being able to sleep for so many months.

The Cadet position closes today. Hopefully I'll hear from the department in the next few days that they want me to to take the written test. I HAVE to get this job. I want it too much to not get it.

And now I'm rambling.... goodnight.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Day Six: WHAT?!!!!!! How could you lose to Green Bay?!

Yes, I'm a Steeler's fan. My life is officially over. But diet-wise:

Current Weight: 204.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 4.8
Pounds til goal: 64.6

Percent Body Fat: 42.4
BMI: 32.9

I had a decent day today, except for the damn game. Went to the gym about 11:00 this morning. Did half an hour on the elliptical at Level Two: "I will eat your face." Then spent 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running.

Breakfast was a sticky roll that I made last night out of the Cooking Light book. I didn't think I could force myself to eat another scone. Lunch was leftover Shrimp Caesar Salad. Dinner was steak with a mushroom sauce (from the Cooking Light book) with a baked potato with sour cream and cheese. Dessert was cookies and cream pudding made into a pie shape. I stayed under my calories by 236. YAY!

Now for the fun part: getting The Monster to bed. I have fallen asleep before her for the past three nights. I am super tired and ready to sleep! On a side note, all this diet and exercise has seemed to fix my sleeping problem. No more laying in bed awake until 2 am for me!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Day Five: I am Awesomesauce

I surprised myself today. I worked extra hard and feel accomplished!

Data, yay:

Current Weight: 204.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 4.6
Pounds til goal: 64.8

Percent Body Fat: 42.5
BMI: 32.9

Yay! almost five pounds down! Also, I feel much better today than I did yesterday. I am exhausted, however, and am eager to get some sleep, so I will try to make this short and sweet.

I did the gym this afternoon instead of the morning.I spent 30 minutes doing the basic eight, 40 minutes on the elliptical, and 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running.

Breakfast was another blueberry scone (*sigh*). Lunch was a very groovy shrimp Caesar salad that came out of the Cooking Light Cookbook. Dinner was some Lemon-maple glazed pork chops, oven roasted potato wedges, and mixed veggies. Evening snack was a cup of cookies and cream instant pudding. According to My Fitness Pal, the website I use to log all of my calories eaten and burned, I am under my total by 779 calories. Basically, I try to ballpark around 1500 calories, and I ate 1470 today, so I'm happy with where I am.

Okay, I would blog more about how awesome I am, but I REALLY need some sleep. Until tomorrow!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day Four: I'm so happy, I could just sh*t.

I had to drive to Phoenix today, so I skipped the gym this morning. I feel kinda like I failed myself. I'll just have to do a double tomorrow to make up for it.

Current Weight: 206.2 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 3.2
Pounds til goal: 66.2

Percent Body Fat: 42.7
BMI: 33.1

Guess last night's binge showed up on this morning's scale. Boo.  I can't believe I couldn't keep my mouth shut. I'm wearing a ball gag when I go out to eat from now on.

Breakfast was another blueberry scone and I splurged and drank some hot chocolate on the way to Phoenix. I can't wait to finish eating this batch of scones so I can make something different for breakfast. They're good, but get boring fast. Lunch was a ham and cheese sandwich loaded with veggies from Subway eaten in the car on the way back from Phoenix.Dinner was some Progresso chicken and dumplings soup with pudding for dessert. I went over by 271 calories thanks to my gym skipping.

In case you haven't noticed, I'm a little grumpy today. Little sleep plus the fact I forgot to take my allergy nose spray plus Phoenix smog equals sneezing until I give myself a headache. Plus I feel guilty about last night's binge and  the fact that I didn't go to the gym this morning.

On the bright side, I found out more about the physical test and obstacle course. It will be easier than I thought. The only thing I have left to worry about are the two wall climbs. Both are six foot walls, one is chain link and one is block. I have plans to go look at the course tonight, Hopefully I can practice before the test.

Day Three: Wait. Was THAT the wagon I was supposed to be on?

Today is Strange Little Man's and my 4 year wedding anniversary, so it's a bit of an odd day diet-wise for me.

Yawn-inducing data:

Current Weight: 205.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 3.6
Pounds til goal: 65.8

Percent Body Fat: 42.4
BMI: 33.0

I'm excited that I've lost over 3 pounds so far this week, even though I know it's mostly water weight, and this trend will not continue for long. Last time I started Healthy Trim, I lost seven pounds the first week. I'm secretly hoping to beat that record this time.

I got up earlier than I had planned to go to the gym, I just couldn't sleep! I am super excited about this Cadet position. I'm trying not to get my hopes too high, because I know that many people will be applying for this position, and they will only be picking two people to go to academy. It is hard not to, though. I dream about it, think about it, live it, breathe it!

Gym consisted of a 5 minute warm up on the elliptical as it was cold this morning and I didn't want to just jump into strength training. After that, I did the "basic eight" (that's what Snap Fitness calls their 8 main weight machines that work all the muscle groups). I did two sets of ten on each machine. After that, I got on the treadmill to get running again. I alternated running and walking for 35 minutes. I am actually proud of myself, I ran the distance that I will be required to run for the physical test, 500 yards, 3 times. I know it doesn't sound like much, but after going so long without running, it's ain't too bad!

Breakfast was a blueberry scone and caffeine free herbal tea. It's a good recipe that I got out of my Cooking Light cookbook, but It's kind of dry, and I used almond slices instead of pecans. I think pecans (or walnuts, even) would give them a little more crunch. Lunch was leftover butternut squash soup and french bread with cheese on top. it is soooo good! (and much better on the second day!) For Dinner, Strange Little Man and I went out to an Asian restaurant. I had miso soup, some shrimp, and a TON of sushi. Then we went to the movie, and we shared a small popcorn and a soda. Then after we had ice cream. I went over my calories by... you ready? Almost 500!

I had a blast, though, so I'm not going to beat myself up TOO much. This can not turn into a trend!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Day Two: Procrastination

Okay, I'm actually posting this on day three, but I had a late meeting for the Rod & Gun Club and went to sleep (or tried to) instead of posting.

Obligatory Boring Stuff:

Current Weight: 207.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 1.6
Pounds til goal: 67.8

Percent Body Fat: 42.8
BMI: 33.4

Made it to the gym. Used the "fat burn" option on the treadmill at level one for 25 minutes. I felt like I could do more, but didn't feel up to the elliptical, so I used the bike for 22 minutes.

Breakfast was a blueberry scone I had made the night before and some tea. Lunch was a delicious butternut squash soup I made using my Cooking Light cookbook with some french bread and Swiss cheese. For dinner I was forced to eat steak, a tortilla, and salad that is served at our monthly Rod & Gun Club meeting. Ok, so I wasn't forced, but I did catch myself wishing I could have made something at home. With dinner I had a 7 Up, then after I came home, I had The Monster's leftover pudding from the other night. I went over by 60 calories today. All in all, it was a busy day, but I feel I did well.

I learned that the selection process Cadet position I wrote about yesterday will be quick. The written test will be February 17th, and the physical test will be the 28th. So I have three and a half weeks to train. Thankfully, I have someone on the inside that can find out exactly what is expected for the physical. Just to clarify, when I say "someone on the inside, I mean that he works for the city and knows who to ask for information that is  public knowledge. I do not want you guys thinking I'm trying to cheat!

Tomorrow starts the real training!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Day One: Hooray for motivation!

So, obvs, this is my first day with my "brand new" diet. Yay. Let's get through the necesary boring data before I get to the good stuff:

Current Weight: 209.4 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds til goal: 69.4

Percent Body Fat: 43.0
BMI: 33.6

Went to the gym this morning, and laughed at all the people there (which I have stereotyped in my other blog, here.). Meanwhile, I struggled to breathe on Level One: "You're A Pathetic Excuse For A Fat Slob" on the elliptical machine.

Breakfast consisted of a misshapen Mickey Mouse pancake reject that I happened to scarf down while making The Monster's breakfast. Lunch was half a turkey sandwich and a cup of tomato basil ravioli soup that I ate between emptying everything out of the fridge that was growing and bleaching said fridge. Dinner was much better with some spicy honey-glazed chicken and oven baked tater tots that I actually got to sit down and eat. I even made little pies for dessert using graham crackers and instant cookies and cream pudding! I managed to stay under my calorie goal of the day by 121 calories! I figure if I'm within 200 calories, I'm good.

I started taking Healthy Trim today, Thankfully, I only took one pill, so I am not acting like a jittery meth addict. I've had energy to keep up with everything today, and I am super tired and ready for bed! One thing I did forget to do was take my before pictures, but I'll do that tomorrow. Still not sure if I should post them on here yet, or wait for 30 days or more. I'd hate to make anyone lose their lunch.

One thing I did notice was that I need to eat an afternoon snack. By the time dinner came around, I was grumpy and felt a little shaky.

I've picked up a couple of cookbooks that I plan on making most of my meals from. One is Hungry Girl's "200 under 200",  although I am going to have to modify many recipes because of my allergies to artificial sweeteners. The other is Cooking Light's "Mix & Match Low-Calorie Cookbook," which I will probably stick to more because I haven't seen any recipes that use artificial sweeteners. Also, the recipes are incredibly easy-looking. Key word: "easy-looking."

On the bright side, I have more motivation to get fit now! Yesterday, I applied for a police cadet position at our local PD. I'm going to need to get some shape again to pass their physical exam! But for now, I need a shower and some sleep. That is, if The Monster will stop calling "MOMMY!!!!!!" at the top of her lungs.