Friday, March 4, 2011

Day Thirty-two: I'm on some sort of weird high....

Current Weight: 200.2 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 9.2
Pounds til goal: 60.2

Percent Body Fat: 41.3
BMI: 32.1

Gym this morning was 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level Three, 20 minutes on the bike, and 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running. I don't know why I've been doing the extra on the bike, I just feel like doing it.

Breakfast was blueberry pancakes (cooking light) with honey and an orange. Lunch was homemade broccoli and chicken soup (cooking light) with a piece of bread. My afternoon snack was two slices of provolone cheese. Dinner was maple glazed pork chops with couscous and broccoli. After dinner, I felt like something sweet, so I had an orange. I stayed under my calories by 611.

For those of you that are wondering, the reason it sometimes seems like I'm under my calories by a lot is that My Fitness Pal (the calorie counting program I'm using) figures in exercise, too. It figures that for me to lose 2 pounds per week without exercising, I need to eat 1,280 calories per day. When I log in exercise, it increases my calories I can eat by however many I burned during exercise. Personally, I aim for 1,500 calories on the days that I exercise.

For example, I burned 712 calories during my workout this morning, so My Fitness Pal says I can eat up to 1,992 calories today. My actual calorie intake was 1,381. So for those of you freaking out that I'm not eating enough, I'm not starving, that's for sure!

I read an article in Redbook yesterday about how something like 30% of adults aren't getting enough sleep. Turns out one of the causes is our technology. Computers, cell phones, TV's, and iPads (but not Kindles or Nooks, surprisingly) emit a blue-ish light that stops your body from producing Melatonin (the chemical that your body naturally produces to make you feel sleepy). The article suggests turning off all these devices one hour before bedtime (a good idea, really, considering how easy it is to get lost in Facebook), and spend the time reading or doing a quiet activity. It also suggests not sleeping in on weekends, as that messes up your sleep schedule.

I decided to start trying it last night, and I'll tell you what, it worked! I was asleep within 5-10 minutes of turning out the light, and woke up feeling rested and ready to go! I plan on trying it for a week or so, and see what happens.

Man, just writing about it is making me sleepy! I need a nap!

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