Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day Thirty-one: The Bitch is back!

Current Weight: 200.4 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 9.0
Pounds til goal: 60.4

Percent Body Fat: 41.1
BMI: 32.2

WHOOOOO! One more pound and I'll have lost 10 pounds AND be under 200! I am super excited! I still have a stuffy nose, and I didn't get much sleep last night, but I took some dayquil and got my ass to the gym anyway!

At the gym, I did about 20 minutes of strength training, 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level Three, and 24 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running. After my workout this morning, I felt bad ass!

Breakfast, I skipped. Just totally forgot about eating because I felt so awesome! Lunch was a modified loaded baked potato with chicken on top, soooo yummy (shit. there's that damn Rachael Ray again, why does she keep trying to write my blog?!)! For an afternoon snack, I had an orange. Dinner was some spicy honey glazed chicken breast with roasted potato wedges and a glass of milk. I was under my calories by 785. I know that sounds like a lot, but I'm just not that hungry today.

I forgot to take my day thirty pictures yesterday, so I will try to take them tonight or tomorrow. Still not sure if I wanna post them yet. we'll see.

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