Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day Thirty-Four: Kate-a-licious

Current Weight: 198.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 10.8
Pounds til goal: 58.6

Percent Body Fat: 41.5
BMI: 31.9

I am still on this high! I feel fantastic, and sexy, too!  I just can't believe how amazing I feel! I don't know what is making me feel this way, but whatever it is, I need to keep it up!

Went to the gym this morning, spent about 20 minutes strength training, 30 minutes on the Treadmill on Fat Burn Level Two, and 30 minutes on  the elliptical at Level Three. After dinner, Strange Little Man, Monster, and myself went out and played tennis for an hour. According to My Fitness Pal, I burned 930 calories in exercise today.

Breakfast was leftover blueberry pancakes and honey. Lunch was leftover Broccoli and Chicken noodle soup. But dinner, ah, sweet dinner, was Pizza. Yes, REAL pizza, from Pizza the Hut. According to My Fitness pal, I consumed 1,422 calories, and was under my calories by 790.

I'm not sure how accurate today's calories burned are, as the tennis was hard to list. I'm sure it wasn't as strenuous as regular tennis, as Strange Little Man and I aren't that athletic. I finally decided to log it as "Wii Tennis." I figured it was a safe bet.

In other news, I'm exhausted. I think I'll call it a night. These sleep changes have really been helping.

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