Monday, March 28, 2011

Day Fifty-Seven: Still can't breathe!

Current Weight: 191.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 17.8
Pounds til goal: 51.6

Percent Body Fat: 39.5
BMI: 30.8

I still feel like crap today. I lounged on the couch all day and caught up on my tv shows that I DVR'd.

Breakfast was Cinnamon Chex and skim milk. Lunch was a quesadilla that I made out of goat meat and Italian cheese. Dinner was 3 slices of veggie lover's pizza. I also had a Power Bar as a snack. Today's total was 1,469 Calories, and I went over my calories by 259.

Obviously, I'm still sick. It's so hard holding myself back so I can recover. I just want to GO, GO, GO!

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