Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day Sixty: Lookin' Good!

Current Weight: 191.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 17.8
Pounds til goal: 51.6

Percent Body Fat: 40.0

BMI: 30.8

Gym today was 20 minutes of Strength training, 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level Two, and 35 minutes on the treadmill at Fat burn Level Two. I burned 720 Calories today.

Breakfast was a Power Bar. Lunch was two slices of pizza. Dinner was an Indian Taco (the fair is in town, so I'm eating a lot of bad food this week!). The Monster and I shared an ice cream cone for dessert. My total Calories for the day is 1,528, and I'm under my calories by 402.

I'm feeling a little better, but I'm still coughing up a lung. I can't believe I've been doing this for sixty days already. I never did take any pictures, so you'll just have to take my word that I'm looking good!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day Fifty-Nine: Katie of The Future......

Current Weight: 192.0 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 17.4
Pounds til goal: 52.0

Percent Body Fat: 40.0

BMI: 30.8

I made it to the gym today, I did 30 minutes on the elliptical at  Level Two, and 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running. I burned 699 calories today.

Breakfast was a Power Bar. I had Lucky Charms and skim milk as a snack. Lunch was a Panda Express Kid's meal. After that, I lost track of my calories. (I'm actually writing this from the future, and I can not remember what I had for dinner, and I failed to log it, so I'm screwed)

I am disappointed in myself today because I couldn't run for more than 5 minutes at a time when I should be up to 8 minutes right now.On the other hand, I'm still somewhat sick, so I can't beat myself up too much.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day Fifty-Eight: Meh

Current Weight: 192.0 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 17.4
Pounds til goal: 52.0

Percent Body Fat: 39.7

BMI: 30.8

STILL feel like crap... No gym for me.

Breakfast was Lucky Charms and skim Milk. Lunch was a grilled turkey and ham sandwich with tomato soup. Dinner was an Indian Taco. my total Calories for today was 1,230, and I went over my Calories by 20.


Monday, March 28, 2011

Day Fifty-Seven: Still can't breathe!

Current Weight: 191.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 17.8
Pounds til goal: 51.6

Percent Body Fat: 39.5
BMI: 30.8

I still feel like crap today. I lounged on the couch all day and caught up on my tv shows that I DVR'd.

Breakfast was Cinnamon Chex and skim milk. Lunch was a quesadilla that I made out of goat meat and Italian cheese. Dinner was 3 slices of veggie lover's pizza. I also had a Power Bar as a snack. Today's total was 1,469 Calories, and I went over my calories by 259.

Obviously, I'm still sick. It's so hard holding myself back so I can recover. I just want to GO, GO, GO!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Day Fifty-Six: Ugh. I wanna breathe!

Current Weight: 192.8 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 16.6
Pounds til goal: 52.8

Percent Body Fat: 39.9
BMI: 30.9

I have a runny nose and a scratchy throat, so I've skipped the gym today. I hope I can kick this quickly, I've got stuff to do!

Breakfast was Lucky Charms with skim milk. Lunch was a Subway ham sandwich with BBQ baked potato chips. Dinner was maple bacon, scrambled eggs, and a Marmalade French Toast Casserole (cooking light). My total for today was 1,483 Calories, and I went over by 273 Calories.

I don't have much to say today, I didn't do much.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day Fifty-Five: 5K Madness!

Current Weight: 193.2 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 16.2
Pounds til goal: 53.2

Percent Body Fat: 39.70
BMI: 31.0

I didn't go to the gym today because I did another 5K with Alayna. It was hard, but we did it! According to My Fitness Pal, I burned 235 calories alternating between walking and running.

Breakfast was a Power Bar. Lunch was Sesame Chicken and White rice. Dinner was tomato-ricotta spaghetti with french bread. Today's total was 1,291 calories and I was under my calories by 154 calories.

 I'm still feeling some pain in my left foot from the 10K hike a few weeks ago. I've been trying to take it a little easy and have been wearing a brace to keep from re-injuring it. I hope it heals quickly so I can continue training hard!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Day Fifty-four: BRING IT!

Current Weight: 192.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 16.8
Pounds til goal: 52.6

Percent Body Fat: 39.6
BMI: 30.9

Oh, crap. I am never going to get this blog done.... I just started watching Dancing With The Stars on HULU (I've never seen it before). The first song is King of Anything. I think I'm hooked! Although, the only person I recognize on the show is the America's Funniest Home Videos host and Kirstie Alley (who I LOVE!).

Anywho, gym was 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level One, then 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running. I hit max speed on the elliptical today, so I think I might bump it back up to Level Two. According to My Fitness Pal, I burned 716 calories.

Breakfast was a Power Bar. I was hungry by mid morning, so I had a bowl of cereal with the Monster as a snack. Lunch was a Tuna Pan Bagnat (cooking light) with jalepeno jack Sun Chips. Dinner was Tuna Noodle Casserole (cooking light). Throughout the day, I ate 6 caramel apple cookies. According to MFP, I consumed1,701 calories and was under my calories by 225.

I'm eager for tomorrow's 5K race! I've got my ankle wrapped and applied my warpaint! BRING IT ON!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Day Fifty-Three: MORE COOKIES!

Current Weight: 193.0 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 16.4
Pounds til goal: 53.0

Percent Body Fat: 39.6
BMI: 31.0

Well, I guess I was wrong about yesterday's binge. I'm still kicking butt!

Gym today was 20-ish minutes of strength training, 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level One, and 24 min on the treadmill at Fat Burn: Level Three, "You Are Doomed! Doomed, I say!"  I increased the weight on most of my strength training today... it burned!!!! I've also started tanning at the gym. Hopefully nobody will make fun of my pasty white legs this year!

Breakfast was a Power Bar. Lunch was a leftover Po' Boy and some carrots. Dinner was Tomato-Ricotta Spaghetti with french bread. And then I made some Caramel Apple cookies (cooking light) and ate 5 of them. I ate 1,476 calories today and stayed under my calories by 299.

MORE COOKIES! Just kidding!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day Fifty-Two: Gluttony!

Current Weight: 193.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 15.8
Pounds til goal: 53.6

Percent Body Fat: 39.7
BMI: 31.1

 In case you haven't noticed, sometimes I write these the next day, but I somehow managed to learn how to postdate and predate the post! Crap, maybe I am becoming a nerd.....

Anywho, Today gym was 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level One, and 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running. Actually I've jumped into the Couch 2 5K program (found HERE!) week 4 and am super happy with myself! I thought I would struggle with it, but I seem to be doing just fine. According to My Fitness Pal, I burned 717 Calories today.

Breakfast was a Power Bar. Lunch was a Pan Seared Shrimp Po' Boy Sandwich (cooking light) with some Jalapeno Jack Sun Chips. Dinner was Bacon, Ranch, and Chicken Mac and Cheese (cooking light). After dinner I had my board meeting for the rod and gun club, while I was there, I have two Sierra Mists, a salad, and some cottage cheese. I ate 1,970 Calories, and went over my Calories by 43.

I'm sure I will see that on the scale tomorrow. *sigh*

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day Fifty-One: Gettin' Skinny!

Current Weight: 195.4 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 14.0
Pounds til goal: 55.4

Percent Body Fat: 39.3
BMI: 31.4

Looks like this little gain is mostly water weight, thank goodness! I tried on my size 12 jeans today, and they fit! Which means I've lost two sizes since I've started this! Go me!

My left ankle was still hurting me this morning so I took it easy at the gym.

Gym this morning was 20 minutes of strength training, 30 minutes on the ellptical at Level One (half because of my ankle, the other half is that I've realized I burn more calories at Level One because I can go faster), and 24 minutes on the treadmill on Fat Burn Level Two (no running). I burned 559 Calories.

Breakfast was a Power Bar, which I have been doing a lot lately, and I feel better. Go Figure. Lunch was some tomato soup and toast. My afternoon snack was a bowl of lucky charms (I know, I was bad). Dinner was Roasted Tilapa with Orange Parsley salsa and rice (cooking light). I ate 1,343 calories and was under my calories by 426.

I haven't been doing the stuff to help me sleep that I talked about a few posts ago, and I can tell a difference. I need to get back on that.

I also need to try the wall soon... It's getting close to time for them to start hiring again!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Days Thirty-Five through Fifty: Another Blur, or I'm Too Lazy To Post For Five Minutes A Day!

Holy moly! Can't believe it's been fifty days! In this blur, I have been pretty good, except for yesterday. Yesterday morning I weighed 193.8, then I binged on sandwiches and chips during our usual Sunday geekfest, and, well:

Current Weight: 196.2 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 13.2
Pounds til goal: 56.2

Percent Body Fat: 40.0
BMI: 31.5

So, yeah, I'm a little disappointed in myself over that. but I'm hoping it's mostly just water weight due to the heart stopping amount of sodium I ingested.

Speaking of heart stopping stuff, I went to the doctor last week to for a check up on my thyroid and cholesterol. According to him, I've only lost five pounds. I must have gained and then started losing after I saw him last. Anyway, he was astonished at how much my bad cholesterol dropped. Apparently, it dropped by 35% which is unheard of for someone who is not on cholesterol medication. YAY!

Also, I decided to do my first 5K last week! A friend (fellow blogger Alayna)  and I did it together, and it was so much fun! It was on St Patty's Day, so it had a prize for the best green outfits. We didn't win. APPARENTLY, you had to be wearing a HAT to win that contest. We decided that we are so getting hats next year.

We got a few pictures of our walk/run:
Before- I love our nervous smiles.. "Do we REALLY wanna do this?"

At the water point. Alayna has the best cheesy faces! I'm so jealous!
After- Now THOSE are real smiles!

That's me- clowning around as usual.

Saturday, I decided that I had so much fun on the 5K, that a 10K should be twice the fun! But I knew there was no way I could run the whole thing, so I entered the hiker's challenge instead of the runner's challenge. I then discovered that in order to do the hiker's challenge, I needed to have a pack that was at least 20 pounds. Being the crazy person I am, I decided I would go balls to the wall or not at all! So I loaded up my camel pack (I think that's what they're called... the backpacks with the water bladders in them?) with water and hand weights and did it. I surprised myself. I took first place in the woman's division (I got a plaque and everything) and third overall.

I have a couple of pictures to share.... I will update with more when they post theirs to their website.

Me before- there's that nervous smile!

My super awesome plaque!
But I have to be honest. I was the ONLY woman. And there were only four hikers. So I guess I can only stretch my bragging rights a little. But you know what? I'm proud as heck! I had a blast and I never took a break during the whole thing. I am still super sore and exhausted, but I am proud!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Day Thirty-Four: Kate-a-licious

Current Weight: 198.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 10.8
Pounds til goal: 58.6

Percent Body Fat: 41.5
BMI: 31.9

I am still on this high! I feel fantastic, and sexy, too!  I just can't believe how amazing I feel! I don't know what is making me feel this way, but whatever it is, I need to keep it up!

Went to the gym this morning, spent about 20 minutes strength training, 30 minutes on the Treadmill on Fat Burn Level Two, and 30 minutes on  the elliptical at Level Three. After dinner, Strange Little Man, Monster, and myself went out and played tennis for an hour. According to My Fitness Pal, I burned 930 calories in exercise today.

Breakfast was leftover blueberry pancakes and honey. Lunch was leftover Broccoli and Chicken noodle soup. But dinner, ah, sweet dinner, was Pizza. Yes, REAL pizza, from Pizza the Hut. According to My Fitness pal, I consumed 1,422 calories, and was under my calories by 790.

I'm not sure how accurate today's calories burned are, as the tennis was hard to list. I'm sure it wasn't as strenuous as regular tennis, as Strange Little Man and I aren't that athletic. I finally decided to log it as "Wii Tennis." I figured it was a safe bet.

In other news, I'm exhausted. I think I'll call it a night. These sleep changes have really been helping.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Day Thirty-two: I'm on some sort of weird high....

Current Weight: 200.2 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 9.2
Pounds til goal: 60.2

Percent Body Fat: 41.3
BMI: 32.1

Gym this morning was 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level Three, 20 minutes on the bike, and 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running. I don't know why I've been doing the extra on the bike, I just feel like doing it.

Breakfast was blueberry pancakes (cooking light) with honey and an orange. Lunch was homemade broccoli and chicken soup (cooking light) with a piece of bread. My afternoon snack was two slices of provolone cheese. Dinner was maple glazed pork chops with couscous and broccoli. After dinner, I felt like something sweet, so I had an orange. I stayed under my calories by 611.

For those of you that are wondering, the reason it sometimes seems like I'm under my calories by a lot is that My Fitness Pal (the calorie counting program I'm using) figures in exercise, too. It figures that for me to lose 2 pounds per week without exercising, I need to eat 1,280 calories per day. When I log in exercise, it increases my calories I can eat by however many I burned during exercise. Personally, I aim for 1,500 calories on the days that I exercise.

For example, I burned 712 calories during my workout this morning, so My Fitness Pal says I can eat up to 1,992 calories today. My actual calorie intake was 1,381. So for those of you freaking out that I'm not eating enough, I'm not starving, that's for sure!

I read an article in Redbook yesterday about how something like 30% of adults aren't getting enough sleep. Turns out one of the causes is our technology. Computers, cell phones, TV's, and iPads (but not Kindles or Nooks, surprisingly) emit a blue-ish light that stops your body from producing Melatonin (the chemical that your body naturally produces to make you feel sleepy). The article suggests turning off all these devices one hour before bedtime (a good idea, really, considering how easy it is to get lost in Facebook), and spend the time reading or doing a quiet activity. It also suggests not sleeping in on weekends, as that messes up your sleep schedule.

I decided to start trying it last night, and I'll tell you what, it worked! I was asleep within 5-10 minutes of turning out the light, and woke up feeling rested and ready to go! I plan on trying it for a week or so, and see what happens.

Man, just writing about it is making me sleepy! I need a nap!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day Thirty-one: The Bitch is back!

Current Weight: 200.4 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 9.0
Pounds til goal: 60.4

Percent Body Fat: 41.1
BMI: 32.2

WHOOOOO! One more pound and I'll have lost 10 pounds AND be under 200! I am super excited! I still have a stuffy nose, and I didn't get much sleep last night, but I took some dayquil and got my ass to the gym anyway!

At the gym, I did about 20 minutes of strength training, 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level Three, and 24 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running. After my workout this morning, I felt bad ass!

Breakfast, I skipped. Just totally forgot about eating because I felt so awesome! Lunch was a modified loaded baked potato with chicken on top, soooo yummy (shit. there's that damn Rachael Ray again, why does she keep trying to write my blog?!)! For an afternoon snack, I had an orange. Dinner was some spicy honey glazed chicken breast with roasted potato wedges and a glass of milk. I was under my calories by 785. I know that sounds like a lot, but I'm just not that hungry today.

I forgot to take my day thirty pictures yesterday, so I will try to take them tonight or tomorrow. Still not sure if I wanna post them yet. we'll see.

Day Thirty: Already?!

Current Weight: 202.0 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 7.4
Pounds til goal: 62.0

Percent Body Fat: 41.4
BMI: 32.4

Man, this first thirty days has flown by! I managed to lose seven pounds, which is, a bit disappointing, I must say. I had hoped to do better, but I will try to do better this next thirty days.

I woke up this morning with a runny nose and a stuffy head, but I didn't let it keep me from the gym. However, I did take it easy. In the end, I'm glad I went because I felt bad ass for the rest of the day!

Gym was 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level Two, 20 minutes on the treadmill at fat burn Level Two (no running), and 22 minutes on the stationary bike.

Breakfast was two egg whites, some oatmeal, and a piece of toast with peach preserves. I fell asleep at 11 and didn't wake up until 3 in the afternoon (apparently, I needed it), so I didn't have much time for lunch. Instead I scarfed down a lunchable. Dinner was my Rod and gun club meeting steak, salad, and tortilla (i skipped the beans, they switched to canned, and they are not worth the calories!). I also had some snickerdoodles during the meeting. I stayed under my calories by 166.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day Twenty-Nine: WAAAHHH!

Current Weight: 201.2 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 8.2
Pounds til goal: 61.2

Percent Body Fat: 40.7
BMI: 32.3

I was feeling very strong this morning, but as the day progressed I became emotional and grumpy.

Gym was 20 minutes of strength training followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level Three and 24 minutes on the treadmill using the fat burn Level two (no running). I wasn't feeling 100%, so i took a break from running today.

Breakfast was 2 egg whites, a piece of toast with peach preserves, and a packet of oatmeal. Lunch was grocery store Chinese food (yes, I cheated, so sue me). Dinner was Stuffed cheese tortellini with sauce and a billion peanut butter cookies. I went over my calories by 303. I know, I expected it to be much worse, too!