Friday, April 1, 2011

Day Sixty-One: It's the thought that counts.

Current Weight: 190.6 lbs
Goal Weight: 140 lbs
Pounds Lost: 18.8
Pounds til goal: 50.6

Percent Body Fat: 39.7

BMI: 30.6

Gym was 30 minutes on the elliptical at Level Two, and 35 minutes on the treadmill alternating between walking and running. I burned 742 Calories.

Breakfast was a Power Bar. Lunch was a subway ham sandwich with Baked BBQ chips. Dinner was a cafe steamers frozen dinner followed by two slices of chocolate pie. My total was 1,750 Calories and I was under my calories by 202.

I still couldn't run for more than 5 minutes, but I'm trying hard, and that's all that counts. Right?

On the bright side, one of my mini goals was to be at 190 by April First! My next mini goal will be to be at 180 by May First! 

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